Enter Altar

We are living in the most visibly interconnected and technologically advanced period of human history. We have the largest ever population, and all of the contextual complexities that come with it.

We now have the potential to connect with literally everything that happens in the chaos of the world. There are far more concepts than we can possibly perceive—too much that deserves our attention, and more still that doesn’t. The noise of universal communications is relentless and undirected, and our energy is finite.

We needn't hold the weight of this world—and yet we try.

These modern lives reserve little room for states of spiritual connection to a higher mode. Enter Alter is a temporal monument, an installation of fabric, light and sound—a site for discovery, universal thought and illumination, commissioned by Mode Festival for their inaugural festival on Cockatoo Island, Sydney (15th, October, 2022).

Scores of sheer fabric lengths are suspended vertically from circular rings; towering, humbling, centring. At its core, a single light source, enclosed by its layered, material walls—at the gracious whim of both weather and ascender. It’s a womb; a shrine; a dedication to the spaces in-between, inviting new ritual opportunities and presentness in time.
